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Pump Pump 500g
23.37 €

Pump 500g

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  • The synergy of ingredients with the highest efficiency
  • Support during intensive training
  • Increased muscle pump sensation
  • Does not contain creatine

MZ-Store Pump is a preworkout formula designed to maximize the muscle pump and increase the level of energy and concentration during training. Precisely selected proportions of NO-boosters have been supplemented with active substances that stimulate and reduce the feeling of fatigue. The product is intended for people with increased physical activity.

Citrulline is a non-protein amino acid that is involved in the formation of arginine. Arginine is a substrate in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which is an endothelial mediator with a vasodilating effect. An increase in nitric oxide levels in the body promotes vasodilation, which in turn increases the flow of blood to the skeletal muscles. As a result, they are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients necessary for their proper functioning.

Beta alanine increases the level of carnosine in the muscles, which may translate into a delay in the onset of fatigue, especially during intense exercises.

Caffeine is a highly stimulating purine alkaloid used to support alertness and concentration. A good source of caffeine is guarana, which helps maintain your body's physical and mental vitality. Traditional use of guarana also includes weight management support.

L-theanine is an organic chemical compound classified as a non-protein amino acid. It has toning and relaxing properties, while helping to stay alert and clear of mind. It goes perfectly with caffeine - it prolongs its action and reduces nervousness and over-stimulation.

The formula is complemented by the addition of betaine, glycerin and taurine, which also facilitate the preparation of the body for intense physical exertion.

To sum up, MZ-Store Pump is an intensively acting preparation that helps to obtain an extreme and long-lasting muscle pump, and at the same time allows you to carry out harder and more effective workouts.

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