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Glucose-insulin metabolism is crucial for overall health and body shaping. When unstable, it may be the beginning of type 2 diabetes and obesity. In addition, it increases the risk of other diseases such as PCOS, atherosclerosis, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. It also leads to various metabolic disorders, and may even cause the weakening of cognitive functions.

In the context of glucose-insulin management, the issue of insulin sensitivity cannot be omitted. This term refers to the ability of the target tissues to respond to signals sent by insulin. Insulin is a hormone secreted by beta-cell pancreatic islets in response to a carbohydrate-containing meal. It reduces the blood sugar level, which in turn inhibits its secretion by beta cells. In turn, the excess of sugar in the blood is immediately caught by peripheral tissues. The first in this process is muscular tissue, and only then fat tissue. Thanks to this, insulin promotes the building of clean muscle mass and facilitates the burning of stored fat, which is why athletes and physically active people pay special attention to this property. Unfortunately, poor nutrition, too little physical activity, different disease conditions or genetic conditions may cause that tissues become passive to insulin.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural substances that help to regulate the glucose-insulin metabolism and promote the improvement of insulin sensitivity. We offer supplements with alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), cinnamon extract, omega-3 acids, vitamin D, chromium, fenugreek, berberine. This category also includes multi-component formulas that optimize carbohydrate metabolism.

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